Why Do I have to set up another digital wallet?
Short Answer: Win Prizes. Long Answer: While the browser wallet is easy for transferring our XUCC token- the innovation in cryptocurrency and the blockchain space that is causing so much excitement revolves around smart contracts. Smart contracts first appeared on the ethereum blockchain and allow more complex relationships and business logic to take place in a decentralized manner. For example, you could send tokens to a contract that automatically pays you interest. The contract could pay interest automatically to the address that sent it the token. No need for signing up or signing onto a centralized platform. You will need to be able to interact with the Pooltogether prize pool application and smart contracts with your metamask wallet in order to have a chance to win prizes.
Download Metamask
Visit https://metamask.io metamask works best on desktops using chrome or firefox browsers. It does not play well with safari desktop. It should be available on all mobile devices including ios and android in the app stores.
When you install metamask you will have to go through the process of setting up security so that you can recover your account should you need to. This takes a minute or so and involves setting up a secret phrase that consists of 12 words but is important. Remember if you lose your private key or secret phrase you cannot recover it accept by using the process at set up. You would restore your account by clicking where the red arrows are below. The video shows you have to add the xDai network to METAMASK and how to 'import' an account.
3. After setting up your security Choose 'Import An Account'
4. Copy and paste your private key. You can do so from your email or the browser wallet settings (shown below). You could also type it, but that would be a pain.
Add the xDai Network and the XUCC Token Address
After you import your account YOU WILL NOT SEE ANY TOKENS. That is because our tokens are on the xDai network not the Ethereum main network.
SETTINGS>NETWORK>ADD NETWORK After You Fill In the network information below make sure you Choose the xDAI network from your account page (Default is Ethereum Mainnet). Settings will either be located by clicking the three lines (arrow 1) or by selecting the account avatar (arrow 3). You can see which network is selected (arrow 2). We are adding the xDai network.
After you have navigated back to the wallet homepage select the xDai network from the dropdown menu by tapping the network (located at arrow 2) above.
ADD TOKEN (Bottom page)
You Should Now See Your XUCC Token in Your Wallet.